So what are you up to this weekend?
Nothing much?
Great, then this is the ideal opportunity for you to take yourself to the waters!
Nah, we’re not talking about beach-going, water-sporting, hot-tubbing or yachting; we’re talking about cleaning your water softener’s brine tank.
Sorry, but we couldn’t help it!
In all seriousness though,
When was the last time you cleaned your brine tank?
Don’t remember it?
Can’t blame you either, you’re not alone.
Many people just don’t give enough importance to the chore.They think its tedious, boring and unnecessary.
But you should…
Because if you don’t clean it periodically, the salt in your brine tank will end up forming a clump or a bridge inside the tank. This could potentially block the flow of brine to the mineral tank,and your softener won’t be able to efficiently purify the hard water.
So it’s really important to clean your water softener’s brine tank – at least once a year.
And you’ll be glad to know, it’s a job that is not really hard and you don’t need any special tools for it either.
Just follow these steps…
How to clean your water softener brine tank?
Step #1: Put your water softener system in “Bypass Mode”. If you don’t know how to do that, refer to the system manual. While your system is in the bypass mode, the water won’t pass through it and you’ll be able to clean it easily.
Step #2: Disconnect all hoses running between the mineral tank and the brine tank.
Step #3: Flush out water from the brine tank with the help of a suction pump. You can also siphon or dump it out, whichever method is most convenient for you. Manually discard any remaining salt. If a salt bridge has developed inside the tank, loosen it by pouring hot water. Once it breaks, dispose it off.
Step #4: If you have a water softener with a brine grid, pull it out. If you don’t, skip to the next step.
Step #5: Prepare a mixture of soap water, pour it into the brine tank and using a long-handled brush, scrub the inside of the tank with the soap water. Rinse with clean water.
Step #6: Prepare a mild bleach-water solution [ideal volume: 2-3 gallons] and pour it into the brine tank. Let the solution sit for 10-15 minutes. Again, scrub the inside of tank using a brush. Dump and rinse the solution with clean water.
Step #7: Put everything back in its place and reconnect all the lines. Put the system back in normal mode.
Step #8: Refill the brine tank with clean water and add a new stock of salt to it.
Your water softener brine tank is cleaned, and your system is good to go once again or you can hire a water softening company Burlington and they will do it for you!
A BONUS read: How to reduce the odds of salt bridging in your water softener’s brine tank?