Reverse osmosis, commonly refered to as RO, is a process where you decriminalize or demonize water by pushing it under pressure.
The random thought that comes to your mind while sitting and drinking water might include some burning questions. Is my water safe to drink? Does it have lead or any other harmful content? If yes, how do I get it tested? Read More …
The water we drink is no longer safe. It contains numerous amounts of toxin and pollutants that make it hazardous to health. One of these toxins is lead. Lead is a natural occurring toxic matter found in the earth crust. Its Read More …
Hiring a water treatment company can be overwhelming. Most companies will insist on you purchasing the most expensive RO systems that you absolutely must have or the fancy cartridge filters that you can’t do without. By taking advantage of your Read More …
Notice how whenever something new hits the market and gains popularity, there is always a line of skeptics out there who spew negativity towards it. The same is done for Reverse Osmosis (RO) water systems; those who do not see Read More …
From drinking to cooking and cleaning, tap water is used for multiple purposes. Although tap water is an integral part of our existence, we need to reevaluate its safety. How safe is the tap water in your home or office Read More …
I often get requests from my city water customers about chloramines. Most of them are concerned and sometimes confused about chloramines. Most municipalities are rapidly replacing their chlorine injection systems with chloramine systems. Chloramine is a mixture of chlorine and Read More …
Reverse osmosis is a process of filtering water through a semi-permeable membrane. RO water can provide health benefits because Sodium and other trace contaminants are significantly reduced. It is essential that we consume water that is clean and free of Read More …