Notice how whenever something new hits the market and gains popularity, there is always a line of skeptics out there who spew negativity towards it.
The same is done for Reverse Osmosis (RO) water systems; those who do not see its value are quick to discredit its functionality and the benefits received from it.
Many of the claims made by critics regarding reverse osmosis are just myths.
The following are common misconceptions people have about reverse osmosis.
- It removes healthy minerals required by the body
Reverse osmosis removes impurities present in water and during the process some good minerals are also lost. While these minerals are essential for our health, we don’t really consume them from water.
Our intake of minerals comes from the food we eat—a minute amount of it comes from drinking water. To put things in perspective, a single glass of orange juice has the same amount of minerals found in 30 gallons of drinking water.
Does it matter if this small amount of minerals is lost in exchange of water that is free from harmful impurities?
- It produces a lot of wastewater
The RO process requires the flushing of impurities from the membrane in the form of waste water. The flushing of wastewater allows the membrane to remain in good condition so it lasts longer (4-5years). Also, since the wastewater washes out all the impurities, the membrane is kept clean of contaminants.
The wastewater produced by an RO water treatment system is equal to about 5 flushes of the toilet. If you’re still considered about the amount of water going down the drain, you can use the wastewater to water your plants.
- RO water is unhealthy
Because RO eradicates around 99% of the impurities, some people claim that such clean water is unnatural for us, therefore is unhealthy. Rain water in a non-polluted environment is as clean as the water produced by RO and people have been drinking rain water for centuries.
It should also be noted that processed-drinks including many companies that provide bottled water use RO.
- RO water drains minerals from the body
Some critics state that RO water drains minerals from the body after consumption. In 2008, The Environment Protection Agency (EPA) was contacted regarding the claim that RA water could actually filter minerals within the body. The EPA rejected the theory saying that RO water did not have any negative effects.
- RO water is acidic
Regular tap water will have a pH of 7; RO water has slightly more acidic. While reverse osmosis can filter our bicarbonate crystals, it does not remove carbon dioxide and so the acidity of the water increases. That being said, you should know that soft drinks have a pH of 2 and coffee has an acidity of 4 – you don’t think twice about drinking those do you?
- Softened water leaves a slippery film on your skin
Water softeners are included in RO systems. If you’ve been using softened water in the bath, you will notice a film on your skin. This thin, slippery film on your skin is nothing other than your soap. See, regular tap water consists of magnesium and calcium. These make the water hard therefore the soap doesn’t make it into your skin. Softened water actually lets the soap be absorbed into your skin. That thin film you feel, is just clean skin.
You’ll benefits greatly from an RO system. Over time you’ll feel the positive impact RO water has had on your health.
If you’re considering purchasing an RO system, hire a water treatment softener company that is familiar with the latest systems and will recommend what’s best for you.